Monday, July 31, 2006


Pyramid Geometry Attracts Energy


P - Perfect (In measurement & work)
Y - Yielding (More Yield In Agriculture & Wish Fulfillment)
R - Rainbow colour, resonant (Pyramid Fire ­ Aghnihotra, Responding Thought)
A - Almighty (Represents Cosmic Power)
M - Mathematics, Mysterious (Perfect Angle & Size, Wonderful results)
I - Intuition (To Get Inner Help Towards Upliftment)
D - Dynamic (Full Of Power)

Definition: A Geometrical Shape that is formed by four equilateral Triangles of same size on a square base in such a manner that they form an apex on that Square base is Known as PYRAMID.

Meaning: "PYRAMID" is a Greek word consisted by two words 'PYRA' + 'MID' where the term PYRA means "FIRE" and MID means "Center Core". Hence it is said that an Object which contains "FIRE" (here the deeper meaning of Fire refers to the energy field) in its Center core or Nuclei. This shows that Egyptian people were fully aware of the deeper meaning of FIRE and were using it accordingly, Thousands of years ago.


THE pyramid has been known from ancient times as a powerful design that connects to energy forces and its shape is identified with healing qualities.

The Egyptians viewed the pyramid as a spiritual symbol because its form directs the electromagnetic energy surrounding the earth and from the stars and other planets.

The Great Pyramids of Egypt, have long been a source of mystery and intrigue. Built as tombs to the great Pharaohs, the pyramids were believed to possess supernatural powers in helping to lead the rulers into the afterlife - and some believe that pyramids continue to display powers far beyond our understanding.

When examining the inner chambers of Egyptian pyramids, explorers were stunned when they found that stray cats that had become lost in the tombs mysteriously were perfectly mummified. One of these explorers, Monsieur Bovis of France went home and constructed a scale model of the pyramid. When he placed a dead cat in this model, it mummified perfectly. Further experiments over the years found that razor blades placed inside of a scale model of a Cheops pyramid retained sharpness much longer than normal. It was also found to keep food fresher, tenderized meat, and aided in reducing headache pain - and possibly increased sexual ability. It was believed that pyramid somehow caused polarized microwave signals which could be channeled in a form of electrical power.

Our Ancient Saints, Rishi, Muni, Mahatmas and Astrologers were fully aware of the miraculous power of pyramid and were successfully using these in the forms of various yantras like the most powerful SHREE YANTRA which from the scientific angle was nothing but a kind of PYRAMID.


The Pyramids are like puzzle for mankind and a very little is known and more about them are still on the way. They have generated a curiosity in our minds about their power of preserving and their energy fields.

Miraculous properties: Pyramid has a special property to deflect any type of cosmic radiations that falls on its apex downwards through its base line at the bottom where this deflected cosmic radiation, with the help of magnetic field of Earth's Gravitational Force, Creates a new and very Powerful BIO-ENERGY FIELD. Secondly as pyramid deflects all radiations that falls on its apex through its bottom from all of its four sides the inner center of pyramid remains unaffected and Safe and surrounded by a powerful bio-energy field on all sides, which helps to preserve the things and objects kept in the pyramid for a long-long time.

The heritage of Pyramids, which are attracting people as wonderful things happen in and around them. Investigators have discovered the Pyramid shapes conjures the object and change natural laws, bringing sensational and unexplainable happenings.

The great Pyramids of Egypt known since five thousand years are one of the seventh wonders of the world. The study of Pyramids can be regarded as a " multi-disciplinary marvel." In other words a Pyramid could have be studied from several angles, namely Science, Geography, Navigator, Architecture, Engineering, etc.

Until today Pyramid was known as a place of interest, but now it is realized, that Pyramid has multi – dimensional use. The construction of Pyramid is the unique feature. The Pyramids of Gizha are situated in 13 acres, 26 lack cubes has been used to construct Gizha Pyramid. It is a wonder how it was constructed. Height of the Gizha Pyramid 450 feet. The blocks used for the construction of the Pyramid are two to seventy tons. In those ancient days, cranes or engineering help was not known. Still it is surprise that the stone used for the construction of the Pyramids was removed from the bank of river Nile to the site of Pyramid.


The Pyramids are four triangular sides, equal in size, resting on a square base with the triangular sides joined to form an APEX at the top.

The shape of the PYRAMID is such that all type of rays falling on its surface or any radiation directed towards it, passes through the sides to coverage at the center of the Pyramid & deflected downwards through the bottom of the Pyramid. The cosmic radiation passing through it mingles with the earth’s magnetic field, the line of force of the surface of the earth & the energy field emanating within the four triangular sides & square base & a new energy field is created. This field has Great Energy.

Pyramids are very fascinating and have attracted people. Wonderful things happen in and around them. The Pyramid gives tremendous amount of peace and harmony to mind, body and soul. The Investigations have discovered that the shape conjures up forms of energy that affects the object and changes natural laws, bringing sensational and unexplainable happenings. Four angles of Pyramid represent intellectual, truthfulness, spirituality and peace.

The shape of the Pyramid is connected with five elements. The human bodies as well as the universe is composed of the five elements EARTH, WATER, FIRE, AIR & ETHER. The four sides of the Pyramids & the Apex (top) resemble these five elements. Thus this shape of PYRAMID if proper, brings equilibrium and balance.

Pyramids work as an antenna to bring in cosmic energy. This complex energy is a combination of Electro-Magnetic and cosmic wave in the universe. The Pyramid absorbs these waves and generates them.

Pyramids are now gaining popularity in homes as a means of enhancing energy flow, particularly in homes that are governed by dullness.

Several readers have asked how can they use pyramids in their homes and benefit from the energy flow.

Homeowners should understand that before they can energise their house with pyramids, they should first orientate their house as per Vaastu to attain the desired results.

Pyramids are extremely powerful and should be used with respect.

Placing pyramids in the four corners of a house helps deflect negative energy and improve positive energy flow.

To revitalise the force in the master bedroom located in the south-west, pyramids should be placed in the four corners of the bedroom.

Some of the use and effects of pyramids are:

Placing a pyramid on your desktop in the work place can help remove stale energy and improve the working environment;
Meditating under a pyramid-shaped structure can help an individual to reach a state of consciousness that can assist in self-healing;
Placing beverages and food under a pyramid-shaped cover will ensure they stay fresh longer and taste better;
Medicines placed under the pyramid will become more effective;
Water stored under a pyramid gets energised and, when drunk, brings relief to those with skin diseases;
Placing a pyramid under a cut or wound expedites the healing process;
Building a house in the shape of a pyramid can increase the occupants’ lifespan;
Sleeping under a pyramid helps retard ageing and retain youthful looks;
Placing pyramids made with copper in the corners of the house can remove fatigue and low esteem;
You may receive positive results within a few days if you write a wish on a piece of paper and place it under a pyramid. The powers of the pyramid are said to be endless and, to experience its benefits, an individual should try it with complete faith.
The mysterious power of pyramid cures diseases, improves memory power, energize both body and mind and gives all the benefits that meditation gives multifold. The researchers have found out several other benefits of pyramidal power.

It is a sacred initiation centre, high energy field. Spiritual consciousness will be awakened in pyramid very easily. Napolean spent a night alone in the pyramid’s chamber. Emerging pale and dazed, he did not speak of his powerful experiences. He was asked what had happened inside.

He exclaimed :” you won’t believe me if I told you” Pyramid is a ‘Sakthi Kendra’ in Sanskrit or a mighty power centre. The ancient Hindu sages used the shape of pyramid for sacred purposes to invoke the Devas or deities.

The great temple at Mahabalipuram near Chennai, India built by Narasimhavarman, a Pallava King is of a pyramid shaped structure. Pyramid is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Egyptian civilization in its characteristic form suddenly emerged 5100 years ago.

Edgar Cayce, the American clairvoyant indicated that the Great Pyramid was, at least in design stage , begun around 10,400 B.C. The Great Pyramid was originally 481 feet 5 inches tall and measured 755 feet along its sides. It covers an area of 13 acres or approximately 570280 sq feet.

2.5 million limestone blocks weighing on average 2.6 tons each, its total mass is more than 6.3 million tons. How the heavy blocks were transported to the building site? How were the blocks taken to the nearly 500 foot height of the pyramids’ summit?

These are all still unsolved problems. A Danish civil engineer P. Garde Hanson has calculated that a ramp built all the way to the top of the pyramid would require 17.5 million cubic meters of material, this representing more than seven times the amount of material used for the pyramid itself.

Using simple physics is it possible to make a good estimate of the resources needed to build the pyramids?

This has been done by one Dr Stuart Kirkland Weir in the Cambridge Archaeological Journal. The Weir analysis reveals that it might at best have taken 10,000 men working for about two decades to complete the biggest of the pyramids.

The stones were dressed on all six sides to the tolerance of 0.01 inch. They are set so closely that a thin razor blade can not be inserted between the stones.

Having read some of the amazing mysteries of the pyramid one would like to know how to use this power for gaining success.

First in order to energize yourself both physically and mentally you may meditate sitting in the centre of the pyramid shaped structure. Where to find a pyramid? You may make your own pyramid. To start with you may make one out of plywood or out of card board or plastic, PVC, fiberglass and see the benefits for yourself.

How to build your own Pyramid

While constructing the pyramid, the dimensions are very important. Needless to point out that while the great pyramid itself is built to the tolerance of 0.01 inch, yours should equally fulfill the accuracy of side and base. For your ready reference the basic parameters are given below.

For each foot of your pyramid height, the base length should be multiplied by 1.5708.

For each foot of your pyramid height, the side length should be multiplied by 1.4945.

For example if the height of the pyramid is 6 feet the base will be 6 x 1.5708 =9.4248 feet.

The sides for this pyramid will be 6 x 1.4945 = 8.967 feet.

The bigger Pyramids measurements in centimeters

The small Pyramids measurements in centimeters

Start with drawing out the measurements, then cut out the pieces with a very sharp knife, use a steel lineal when you cut.

The Pyramid material is made of thick cardboard. The home made pyramid can be made in thick cardboard or wood . The pyramid is made of 4 sides put together. The Pyramids are taking form. Glue the sides together with thick tape. You can make it with or without the bottom. It's easier to use the Pyramid if you make it without the bottom plate. Paint and decorate the Pyramid.

Use of Pyramids

Pyramid Power is now being used in various important sectors which are very effective for Human Life, some of such sectors are VAASTU, Astrology, Color therapy, Spiritual Meditation and Medical Healing Thousands of Techniques are being innovated and implied by Pyra energy scientists and experts which are proving their miraculous worth towards the betterment of Human Life on Earth.

In metaphysical studies, its structure with four sloping sides emits positive energy that neutralises negative energy.

One of its main functions is to remove or recycle stagnated and negative energy and focus harmonising energies.

Research and experiments have shown that pyramid powers change the mental, physical and emotional states of individuals who have been exposed to its vibrations.

It improves the aura of a person and this has been proven with the use of the Kirlian camera to capture the aura of an individual.

The Kirlian photographs show clearly the difference in the size and quality of the aura after an individual has been exposed to pyramid power.

In India, temple architecture is based on pyramidal shapes. The design also incorporates domes and the main idol is placed under a pyramid-shaped roof to generate energy among devotees.

This is why people visiting Hindu temples with such roofs come away feeling cleansed and energetic.


Vaastu is a science of architecture, energy flow, and magnetic vibratory force. Vaastu takes into account the five elements viz; Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Sky. The principles of Vastu are mainly dependent on the arrangement and balancing of these five elements in their proper order. Vaastu is the science of balancing Cosmic energy field levels of a Plot, House, Flat. Office, Factory, Temple etc. Any specific surroundings and making them suitable for the person staying there for the upliftment and betterment of their Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and social Growth, which in turns led their life towards Happiness and Overall Prosperity.

A house designed and constructed taking into account the principles of vastu shastra will transform the life of the person staying in it. They enjoy good health, wealth and peace of mind. Even luck favours them. No evil spirit or thought will germinate in this dwelling. There will not be any adverse effects on the occupants. The Principles of Vaastu also keep in view the cosmic influence of the sun, its light and heat, the direction of wind, the magnetic field of the earth and the influence of the cosmos and various planets.

Vaastu defects refers to any hurdle or obstacle in the way of cosmic energy flow in a house, plot, Flat, Factory, Temple etc which adversely affects and disturbs :

Cosmic energy field levels

Bio energy flow fields and force

This creates an uncomfortable environment for the people staying in that place and this "DISHARMONY" of Cosmic energy fields or Bio energy forces of a place may be called as Vaastu defect.

Effects of Vaastu Defects

These can be described as Feeling of instability, Tensions, Severe Health Problems, Un expected Financial losses, Defamation, Tense Marital and family relations, Sudden demise of loved one, Litigations, Enmity, etc are numerous effects which may be the outcome of vaastu defects. The severe ness of effects of vaastu defects of a place is directly related to the density of vaastu defect present at that place

If a house or industry or farm is against vaastu principles, correcting it with pyramids will help a lot. If there is a vaastu dosh (defect) in the plot we must start with correcting it from the centre. The centre of the plot is very important. We must try to make it strong by installing the yantra in the centre. Install the yantra parallel to the North.

Any other vaastu defect can be corrected with the help of this yantra and also a few minor changes. The pyramids are a boon to mankind and can solve many of our present day problems and diminish the stress and unhappiness created by minor vaastu dosh.


There are various ways and methods to correct a vaastu defect :

Physical Correction Method : In this method after diagnosis of a vaastu defect real constructions and demolitions are used to harmonise the cosmic energy fields and bio energy flow of a particular place. Though if done with correct calculations this is the accurate, permanent and fruitful method but because it is a very expensive method and sometimes it is not possible to make physical change for every person (Particularly when he is living in a flat of a multistoried building). So it is not a very practical method in this 21st century.
Spiritual Correction Method : In this method various relegious rituals like poojas, Japas, yagnas are performed at the place of vaastu defect to harmonise and increase the Bio-energy flow of that place, Though this method has proven result giving but for a very short & almost negligible time period. It requires regularity in performing these rituals which is not feasible for a common man in this modern age.

Virtual Correction Method : This is the most scientific and reliable method of Vaastu corrections at any place. In this method, after diagnosis of vaastu defect various instruments which enhance and harmonise Cosmic energy fields and Bio energy flow are installed at the place of defect which virtually corrects the defect. This is not a new method. Our ancestors were also using this method by installing various instruments like MERU PRISHTH, SHREE YANTRA, SHANKUs etc for vaastu corrections along with the spiritual and religious rituals as given in spiritual correction method. Now In this modern scientific age when the breakthrough in the area of MIRACULOUS PYRAMID ENERGY & POWER has taken place and numerous researches on the subject have proved that the cosmic energy fields and Bio energy flow of any place can be easily ENHANCED and HARMONISED by installing PYRAMIDS and all types of Vaastu defects can be corrected virtually which really gives long lasting results in the subject. This Method is most suitable and gained popularity because it is EASY, ECONOMICAL and FEASIBLE for all with the Miraculous Results.

Pyramid Yantra

The pyramid yantra is a miniature version of a pyramid. It can be a single pyramid or a set (usually in multiples of nine) of pyramids arranged either horizontally or vertically (one above another), called 'multier'.

Though stone, being natural, is the best material for making pyramid yantras, it is difficult to accurately carve miniscule pyramids on it. Hence neutron polymers are used. The colour of the yantra should preferably be white so that it can absorb energies of all colours of the spectrum. Metals should never be used, as that will short-circuit the smaller pyramids inside.

Pyramid yantras help balance the 'fa' (father, masculine) and 'maa' (mother, feminine) energies. Their own fa and maa energies are balanced, which harmonizes the space in which they are kept. In turn, the entire house's fa and maa energies are harmonized. This is because the pyramid yantra, when placed in a room, brings about negative ionization and reduces the proportion of positive ions, thus revitalizing the air.


Activating the Brahmasthala
In vaastu, the brahmasthala (center of the house) is given much importance. To activate it, placing nine multier pyramids inside a pit dug at the center of the home.

Rectifying an irregular shaped plot: One can use pyramid yantras to create a square or rectangle by activating the brahmasthala and making angles with pyramids in the corners of the plot. Similarly, if a plot does not have a center, it can be divided into sub-plots and symmetries can be carved accordingly.

For Multi-Storied Apartments
You can either fix nine multier pyramids on the ceiling, or place some pyra chips (miniscule pyramids) beneath tiles or even fix a pyramid yantra in the centre of any wall.

For an Obstruction in the Center
If there is a wall in the center of the home, the dosha can be rectified by placing three multiers on the wall along with pyra angles (L-shaped pyramids) on the four corners. If there is a staircase, you can put eight pyramid multiers around it or fix pyra-strips on the ceiling above it. If there is a pillar in the center, divide the plot into two using pyra-strips and activate the centers of each sub-plot separately.

For the Kitchen
Kitchens facing the toilet are against vaastu, which can be rectified by fixing a pyramid yantra on the ceiling, facing downwards, between the two doors. If one has to cook facing the south, which is against vaastu, then multier pyramids should be fixed on the southern wall.

For the Bedroom
You can create a southwest facing bedroom, in case it is oriented otherwise, by fixing three pyramids each at the southern and western walls of your bedroom. If your bedroom faces a toilet, mirror or a door, which is not vaastu-compliant, then you can fix some pyramids in between. You can enhance the quality of your sleep by placing nine specially designed 'vaastu sleep pyramids under your mattress.


Fix a pyramid yantra at entrance of house to protect it from negative energy.
Fix a pyramid yantra on the toilets and bathrooms if they are in the wrong places.
For correcting vaastu from inside, fix the yantra inside the room to change the room completely.
If the kitchen is not in the proper place fix one yantra at the entrance and another inside.
A Wish Machine
The pyramid yantra can be used for wish fulfillment too. For this, you need to place your wish in a pyramid yantra written clearly with red ink on a white piece of paper measuring about 70x70 mm. Replace the pyramid's top after placing the wish inside the cosmic dome. Sit calmly in a quiet place and hold the wish machine in your left hand placing your right hand on it. Repeat your wish for two minutes and then keep the machine in a safe place. Do this twice every day until your wish is fulfilled.

To make this wish machine more effective, you can sit with it facing the direction corresponding to your wish. East is for love, peace, harmony, spirituality, happiness and fame; west for health, disease, physical fitness and relationships; north for money, property and other material possessions and south for protection against enemies and evil.

You can always draw yourself in the desired circumstances along with the written wish or place your photograph, hair sample, blood sample or any other personal object with the written wish in the pyramid. You can take your wish machine to temples, churches or any other spiritual place for enhanced effect. The most effective way for wish fulfillment is to visualize yourself entering the core of the machine as a light body and envisaging yourself in the desired position.

Does this seem improbable? Can wish fulfillment be explained rationally? Though the scientific explanation for the working of the wish machine is yet to be discovered, we do know that our thoughts create vibrations that are eventually received by others, including inanimate objects. The wish machine combines this with pyramid power. The pyramid yantra provides one with favorable conditions and its strong vibrations help reinforce our intention to materialize our wishes.

Which material is the best suited for a pyramid?

Ancient Pyramids are built by rock stones which are neither plastic nor metal. Whether your Pyramid should be processed from stone, plastic or metal, we have to first determine for which purpose you require the Pyramids. We wish to point out that choice of the material will be determined when the purpose is fully made known.

For the information and guidance of our readers we will suggest the following parameters.

1. If you want to make a Pyramid for practicing Yoga, meditation and concentration, wish to preserve the dead body for a longer period, then stone Pyramid will be the most , suitable for the said purposes.

2. A Pyramid made of plastic or glass will be more useful if you wish to enhance space energy and also want to have plenty of light.

3. If you want to use Pyramid for Medical cure, want to use Pyramid water, then the Pyramid of copper metal or any other suitable metal will serve the desired purposes.

4. A Pyramid of crystal will be more useful if wish to enhance attraction.

5. For different Yantrik experiment, pyramid of an alloy (mixed metals) will prove more useful.

6. To have your wish or desired fulfilled Pyramid, you should process Pyramid from equal quantity plastic and metal.

Crystal Pyramids

Place one Pyramid in each corner of your room as shown below. The Crystal Pyramid is designed to focus positive energy within, which is best for revitalizing your crystal. The Crystal Pyramid also deflects negative energy up and away which is good for your home environment. Since they're being charged with positive energy they are also cleansed of their negative energy. Pyramid charging is clean, efficient and free, and can be done at any time, in any weather. Crystals that are placed within a Crystal Pyramid (hung) will charge quickly and safely without fading or cracking. Crystal Pyramids "now" come with one crystal per pyramid. This will cause energy to cleanse the room and replace the energy with your stone or crystals healing energy. examples: healing sickness, improving higher brain function, increased intuitive behavior, lose weight, etc.... again depending on your stone or crystal.

Diagram of a bedroom with a pyramid in each corner.

Choose from the following crystals for the desired effects:

1) Agate - calmness
2) Amethyst - healing (emphasis on mental healing)
3) Bloodstone - circulation, heart
4) Citrine - health, happiness
5) Moonstone - feminine health
6) Snowflake Obsidian - immune system
7) Rose Quartz - love
8) Clear Quartz - meditation
9) Smoky Quartz - protection
10) Sodalities - mental clarity
11) Tiger Eye - strength, confidence